• 5 SEMI:  attend 6.25-12.25 hours (must have a minimum of 6.25)
• 10 SEMI:  attend 12.5-18.5 hours (must have a minimum of 12.5)
• 15 SEMI: attend 18.75 hours or more (must have a minimum of 18.75)
• 1 OSL:  attend 12.5 hours or more (must have a minimum of 12.5 hours- this is credit for entry level administrators)

Please Note:

100% attendance is required for SEMI/OSL credit.  Participants who miss any portion of the training will not receive SEMI/OSL credit.  Additionally, all participants expecting to receive SEMI credit must hold a Standard Career-Level Administrator License, and all participants expecting to receive OSL credit must hold a Standard Entry-Level Administrator License. Session Evaluation forms are required for each session that is attended.  Forms will be available at the mandatory Orientation meeting.  Two Orientation meetings will be offered:  Tuesday at 12 Noon and Wednesday at 8 AM, both sessions will be held in Ballroom A; you must attend one of these meetings.   

Click here to register.